Dayton welcom_youthWelcome to

Memorial Presbyterian Church! 


Bienvenidos a

La Iglesia Memorial Presbyterian!


Memorial Church is a loving, caring community of God's people. Here, no one needs to face the burdens of life alone. As children of God, we join in a journey of faith with a full program of nurture to help you grow in God's grace!




If you are in need of assistance in providing your children with summer clothing, please fill out the form attached, and we will schedule a time for a curbside pickup at Kids Closet, located at Dayton Memorial Presbyterian Church.

2020 Recognition Sundays

2020 Graduates and

Sunday School teacher and student recognition

please visit the Sunday School page on the Ministries tab in the menu above.


Dear members and friends of Memorial Presbyterian Church, all brothers and sisters in Christ:

As you know, since Sunday, March 15, we have cancelled worship due to the COVID-19 virus emergency and recommendations from the Presbytery of Wabash Valley Council.  Our Session (Board of Ruling elders) met on Tuesday, May 19, and elected to continue as we are, without in-house/person to person worship, meetings, classes and other activities (our Food Pantry will continue on Thursday mornings) until further notice. We will continue to evaluate this from month to month. As situations and circumstances change, we can and will re-evaluate this decision. Please know that a great deal of discussion and prayer went into these decisions.

The fact that we are not meeting in person doesn't mean that we cease being a Church.  We will continue to care for our church community and remain  servants of our Lord.  Please continue tune in to video recorded services of worship conducted jointly by Memorial,  Bethany, and Elston Churches on YouTube at the following address:

These will, of course, be somewhat less personal, but still meaningful.  Members of our congregation wil be invited to assist in the service, along with Pastors Kevin Bowers, Rick Ryan and Laura Penny Bade.

Those of you who generally place your pledges in the Offering Plate are encouraged to use the U S Mail to deliver your gifts at:  Memorial Presbyterian
Church, P.O. Box 70, Dayton, IN,  47941.
We will keep you posted, using this page, as well as our Facebook page.
God's Peace and God's Grace to you all.
Michael E. Grimes
Clerk of Session



Sunday School

Angels 2019     


     Hi, Kids!


   Greetings from your Sunday School teachers!



Are you missing Sunday School while we are  unable to meet in person? We have some free material that we are able to share. These materials     are in English and Spanish, for young and old. Your parents might enjoy them, too. 


      Be sure to check them out here:


Free Church Lessons, Bulletins and Activity Sheets for Children.

        ¡Hola, niños! 

¡Saludos de las profesoras de 
la Escuela Dominical Presbiteriana Dayton Memorial!

¿Echas de menos la escuela dominical mientras no podemos reunirnos en persona?

Tenemos material gratuito que podemos compartir.
Estos materiales están en inglés y
español, para jóvenes y mayores.
Asegúrese de revisarlos aquí en

Free Church Lessons, Bulletins and Activity Sheets for Children



Memorial Presbyterian Church is located on State Road 38 in Dayton, Indiana, just east of the Greater Lafayette area.  The church is located one mile east of I-65, Exit 168. If you are new to our area, or are visiting Purdue University, or just happen to be passing through, we'd love to have you drop by!

To learn more about Memorial Presbyterian Church, please spend some time visiting our website as well as our facebook page, a link to which can be found on the top left hand side of your screen.

We invite you to join us in sowing seeds of love in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord!


Church office hours

The church office is normally open Tuesday through Thursday
from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm

Because of Covid 19, it is only open on Thursdays from 9:30 to 12:30.

Please feel free to call us. We'd love to hear from you!










© 2025 Memorial Presbyterian Church
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