Did you know that when you pay your bills by "Bill Pay" online you can include the church or even make it an automatic payment?

Click here for a form to submit for electronic funds transfer through the Hubbard Press a division of the Presbyterian Church



The main purpose of this committee is to prepare and monitor the annual budget for Memorial Presbyterian. The committee wishes to thank the congregation for their continued support of the Memorial Presbyterian, despite tough economic times. That support maintains the operation of the Church, as well as our many generous mission programs.


Tax Issues click to read more


Do you pay your bills through your bank account?  Easy isn't it?
We are now offering the option for you to pay your offering via your bank account.
If you would like to do this, please contact Nancy Edwards, church treasurer.
Click here for an EFT Form


 What is God asking of you?  
Where does God want you to invest your time, your energy, your money, your love, and your passion? 
What are you being called to by the Spirit of God in Christ?


Finance Committee Needs Your Support

Our church missions have grown substantially over the past decade. The Kid’s Closet has moved from providing jackets during the winter to providing clothing for all four seasons, school supplies and helping out at least 30 families and 100 children every distribution. As the recession continues, the demand for these missions have grown while outside funding slowly dries up.

Our church has provided services that larger churches barely get off the ground. Our monetary support for numerous local organizations, the time given by volunteers from our congregation and the talents shared with our community help to provide food, shelter and clothing to those in need. We can continue to provide as you make available your time, talent and financial resources. Please help us as we strive to help our community. Do what you can to stay current with your pledge and maybe even consider paying ahead if you are able!

Thank you,

Finance Committee


© 2025 Memorial Presbyterian Church
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