Least Coin Offering

Fellowship of the Least Coin

The coin I hold is very small as money goes not much at all, but take it Lord and work your good for peace on earth and family hood.  As one raindrop can start a seed, a wave of love can start with me.

The Fellowship of the Least Coin has flourished as a global ecumenical women's prayer movement for over fifty years.  The key to the movement's success is its simplicity.  Individuals or groups may join by committing to pray for peace, justice and reconciliation among families and communities, and worldwide.  Each time a woman prays, she sets aside the least coin of her local currency as a symbol of the prayer.  Women's regional groups collect the coins and send them to the central FLC fund in Geneva, Switzerland.  The prayers and the least coins collected support projects for women and children around the world.

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