How we reach out to others

How we reach out to others
Indian Girls School:

During November the Church Women United Organization will collect gifts for the Indiana Girls’ School.    Some suggestions for gifts are: Candy, stuffed animals, pillows, stationery with stamps, cards notepaper, etc., word puzzles, bath powder, lotions, facial cleansers, shampoo (trial size, plastic), gloves, mittens, hats, scarves, slipper socks, socks, inspirational posters, or any appropriate small gift item.  THINK TEENAGER! Cash gifts are used for supplies for worship materials, such as music, liturgical dance, ballet classes, etc.  There is a collection basket in the parlor for these items.

 We will continue to collect used eye glasses to be used by the Lions Club to help needy people see better.

Pop tabs are also being collected for to benefit children undergoing kidney dialysis.

Campbell’s Soup Labels are collected to help area schools, as well as “Box Tops for Education”.

Used printer cartridges are taken to LUM and turned into $$ for their programs.

Our members
also save pennies to be sent to the Hunger Fund of PCUSA to help drill wells wherever fresh water is needed in disadvantaged countries.

Work CWU Food Pantry July and November

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