Our Church Leadership

Elders  Deacons  Trustees  One Year Church Officers



Jon Grimes




Jon Grimes - Church Custodian

Jon does an excellent job of keeping our Church looking great.



Mike Grimes



Michael Grimes - Clerk of Session

Mike is a fifty-plus year member of Memorial Church.  He sings in the choir and co-teaches an adult Sunday School class.  He has, at one time or another, served on just about every committee and board in the church (except the women’s group).  Mike has been an Elder since 1980, and served as Clerk of Session since 1992.  He and his wife Jon live in Dayton, and have three grown daughters and five grandchildren.

Peggy Fields



Peggy Fields - Choir Director

Attended Memorial Presbyterian Church since age four.
Singing in adult choir for 37+ years.
Elementary school secretary, busy, busy!
 Free time spent with grandson Dylan.




 David Grimes

 David Grimes - Sunday School accompanist, Young Promises accompanist

Grew up in Memorial Presbyterian Church as did his brothers Mike and Rob Grimes and sisters Peggy Fields and Phyllis Hill.  A long-time professional drummer, David has owned and managed Lafayette's McGuire Music since 1971.  He and his wife Muriel have been married for 35+ years and are parents to Patrick, Russell and Joe Grimes and Julie Boles.  They are enjoying spending time with their grandchildren.


Julie Boles-1



Julie Boles - Praise Choir Director

A life long member of Memorial Presbyterian Church.  She is happily married with 4 wonderful children. She enjoys being a stay at home Mom and in her rare "free time" enjoys singing, painting and just spending time with her family.





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