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Welcome to Memorial Presbyterian Church.

We hope you find this website interesting and helpful.  If you are in our area, we hope you will stop by to visit or attend Worship Services with us.  Guests are always warmly welcomed.


We begin our week by gathering with our family of faith for a continental breakfast followed by Sunday School. Our church values the weekly opportunity to spend time with one as we care for and support one another. During the academic year there are opportunities to grow in our faith as we attend Sunday School, as well as when we hear the gospel proclaimed in word and song during worship. Please see our Worship page for up to date info concerning times and events.


We believe that our religious and spiritual life needs to be nurtured and developed if we are to find fulfillment as human beings and as children of God.  For this reason, central to our program is our Sunday School.  Here, persons of all ages, from the youngest babies to the oldest adults, are involved in spiritual growth and development.  All of our teachers are trained, caring persons dedicated to nurturing Christian faith and values. 

We also offer Vacation Bible School in the summer, as well as confirmation classes, and special study series at various other times during the year.

We believe that Worship is the highest act of the human spirit.  By bringing together the elements of prayer, scripture, proclamation, music and self dedication in a flowing service, we share in the worship of the living God who loves us.

Together, we share Christ's love with one another in joyous celebration of hope and faith.

Children are always welcome at Worship.  A nursery is available if needed.

Communion:  The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday each month and on days designated by the church calendar such as Christmas Eve and Maundy Thursday.


© 2025 Memorial Presbyterian Church
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